Generated Unit doc should list members in content

The generated help usually contains a list of the members of each level, such as the package view:

Yet, in the unit view, its members are missing. It would be lovely to have them there too, especially as those do have xml comments too.


I haven’t been able to reproduced this. More information is needed.

  • All units or some units?
  • use the ‘-vvv’ in the CLI to see the intermediate topic xml of the unit element.
    e.g. docinsight b -f html -vvv
17:46:28 TRACE docinsight::render::html: Topic xml ('MockSequence Record'):

    <title>Mock<wbr />Sequence Record</title>





    <api name="MockSequence" fullName="Spring.Mocking.MockSequence" id="T:Spring.Mocking.MockSequence" type="Record" hasEnumMembers="false">
        <prototype>type MockSequence = record</prototype>

        <seealso cref="N:Spring.Mocking">Spring.Mocking</seealso>

        <group name="Properties">
            <member name="Completed" type="property" id="P:Spring.Mocking.MockSequence.Completed" title="Spring.Mocking.MockSequence.Completed" visibility="public" inherited="false" static="false">

        <group name="Methods">
            <member name="Reset" type="method" id="M:Spring.Mocking.MockSequence.Reset" title="Spring.Mocking.MockSequence.Reset" visibility="public" inherited="false" static="false">

        <group name="Operators">
            <member name="Implicit(MockSequence)~IMockSequence" type="operator" id="M:Spring.Mocking.MockSequence.&amp;op_Implicit(MockSequence)~IMockSequence" title="Spring.Mocking.MockSequence.Implicit" visibility="public" inherited="false" static="true">